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Virtual Care

What is Virtual Care?

Virtual care allows you to connect with healthcare professionals using technology like smartphones, tablets, or computers. Through video calls or messages, you can discuss your health concerns, receive medical advice, and even get prescriptions, all without visiting a physical clinic.

Benefits of Virtual Care:
  • Convenience: You can access healthcare without traveling, saving time and effort.

  • Accessibility: Connect with specialists who might not be available locally.

  • Cost Savings: Reduce expenses related to transportation and parking.

  • Safety: Receive care without exposure to crowded waiting rooms, especially during health crises.

When to Use Virtual Care:

Virtual care is suitable for various healthcare needs, such as:

  • Routine check-ups and follow-ups

  • Minor illnesses like colds, rashes, and allergies

  • Medication refills and prescription renewals

  • Mental health support and counseling

  • Nutrition and lifestyle advice

  • Chronic disease management

Preparing for a Virtual Visit:
  • Equipment: Ensure you have a device with a camera, microphone, and internet access.

  • App/Software: Download any required apps or software suggested by your healthcare provider.

  • Test: Check your device's audio and video settings before the visit.

During the Virtual Visit:
  • Private Space: Find a quiet, well-lit room where you can talk freely without interruptions.

  • Communication: Be honest about your symptoms, medical history, and concerns.

  • Visuals: If applicable, show any physical symptoms to the camera.

  • Medications: Have a list of your current medications ready to share.

After the Virtual Visit:
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to the treatment plan, medications, and recommendations given.

  • Prescriptions: If prescribed, follow the instructions for obtaining and taking medications.

  • Follow-up: Schedule any recommended follow-up appointments or tests.

Limitations of Virtual Care:
  • Emergency Situations: Virtual care is not for emergencies. Call 911 for urgent medical help.

  • Physical Examinations: Some conditions may require in-person exams, tests, or procedures.

  • Technical Issues: Be prepared for possible connectivity problems and have a backup plan.

Privacy and Security:
  • Virtual care platforms prioritize your privacy and data security. Your health information is protected.

Feedback and Experience:
  • Provide feedback about your virtual care experience. This helps improve the quality of care.

Limitations of Virtual Care:
  • Emergency Situations: Virtual care is not for emergencies. Call 911 for urgent medical help.

  • Physical Examinations: Some conditions may require in-person exams, tests, or procedures.

  • Technical Issues: Be prepared for possible connectivity problems and have a backup plan.

Remote Patient Monitoring

What is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Remote patient monitoring involves using devices and technology to collect and send your health data to your healthcare provider. This data includes vital signs, symptoms, and other health information that help your provider monitor your condition and make informed decisions about your care.

How Does Remote Patient Monitoring Work?

Your healthcare provider will provide you with monitoring devices such as blood pressure cuffs, glucose meters, wearable devices, or smart scales. These devices connect to a secure online platform that automatically transmits your health data. Your provider and healthcare team can then review this data to track your progress and address any concerns.

Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring:
  • Early Detection: RPM allows your healthcare team to identify changes in your health status early, even before you notice symptoms.

  • Chronic Disease Management: RPM is especially useful for managing chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

  • Personalized Care: Your healthcare provider can tailor your treatment plan based on real-time data, leading to more personalized and effective care.

  • Reduced Hospitalizations: By closely monitoring your health, RPM can help prevent complications and reduce the need for hospital visits.

  • Convenience: You can manage your health from home, saving you time and travel expenses.

Getting Started with Remote Patient Monitoring:
  • Equipment Setup: Your healthcare provider will guide you on how to set up and use the monitoring devices. They may also provide training or educational materials.

  • Regular Monitoring: Follow the schedule provided by your healthcare team for using the devices and recording your health data.

  • Data Transmission: Make sure your devices are properly connected to the online platform to ensure accurate data transmission.

Privacy and Security:
  • RPM platforms prioritize the privacy and security of your health data. Only authorized healthcare professionals have access to your information.

Communication with Your Healthcare Provider:
  • Stay in touch with your healthcare team. Report any significant changes in your health or symptoms promptly.

  • Virtual Visits: RPM often includes virtual visits with your provider, where you can discuss your health data and receive guidance.

Medication Management:
  • RPM can help you manage your medications better. Your healthcare provider can review your data and adjust your medications as needed.

Healthy Lifestyle:
  • RPM can support your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your healthcare team can offer advice based on your health data.

Emergency Situations:
  • In case of emergencies or severe symptoms, contact your healthcare provider or seek immediate medical attention as instructed.

Feedback and Questions:
  • Share your experience with RPM with your healthcare team. If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.

Patient Education Websites


A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus offers comprehensive health information, drug information, medical encyclopedia, and tutorials.

Mayo Clinic:

Mayo Clinic's website provides user-friendly health information, medical advice, and expert-authored articles on various medical conditions and treatments.


WebMD offers health news, expert advice, and a symptom checker to help patients understand various health conditions and treatments.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): 

CDC's website provides reliable information on public health, diseases, vaccinations, and preventive measures.


Healthline offers articles, videos, and tools covering a wide range of health topics, wellness tips, and medical news.

Managed by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), this website offers patient education resources on a variety of health topics.


NIH (National Institutes of Health):

The NIH offers valuable health information, research updates, clinical trials, and resources on various medical conditions.

This website provides evidence-based health information, articles, and resources for patients and caregivers.

Cleveland Clinic:

Cleveland Clinic's health library offers educational resources, videos, and articles on medical conditions, treatments, and wellness.

UpToDate Patient Education:

While primarily used by healthcare professionals, UpToDate also offers patient-friendly articles on medical topics.


​Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before making any medical decisions based on the information you find on these websites. Always prioritize information from reputable sources and verify the accuracy and relevance of the content.

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