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Fitness Programs

Personal Health Index to keep track of your fitness levels! 


Two Programs to Choose From. 

Fitness Center
  • Fitness Program Basic

    Every month
    Suitable for individuals who want to monitor their wellness using Fitbit or Apple Watch
     30 day free trial
    • Ongoing Monitoring of Personal Health Index composed of
    • Activity Level
    • Heart Rate
    • Sleep Efficiency
    • BMI
    • Disease or Injury Status
    • Review by our clinician
    • Smartphone app to track results
  • Fitness Plus

    Every month
    +$125 Blood Pressure Cuff and Setup One Time
    Perfect for those looking for Fitness alongwith Blood Pressure Monitoring
     30 day free trial
    • Everything in Fitness Program Premium, plus Blood Pressure
    • Daily PHI Score including Blood Pressure Monitoring
    • FREE Integration with your Apple Watch or Fitbit Device
    • FREE Integration with Blood Pressure Cuff

The plans will be automatically renewed after 30 days, unless cancelled.

Introduction to PHM Fitness Programs with PHI (Personal Health Index)

The objective of these programs is to promote health and wellness among individuals using a comprehensive index derived from daily data captured via Fitbit or Apple Watch, and Blood Pressure Monitoring (Fitness Pluss Program). The programs factor in all key fitness indicators from your wearable device to compute a PHI score which can determine your fitness and wellness levels. 

Activity Levels

Measured using daily steps, active minutes, and workouts.



Counted throughout the day.

Active Minutes:

Time spent in moderate to intense activity.


Tracked through the watch's workout modes (e.g., running, swimming, yoga).

Heart Rate

Measured daily using built-in heart rate sensors


Resting Heart Rate (RHR):

Measured when the user is at complete rest

Heart Rate Variability (HRV): 

Tracks the variation in the time interval between heartbeats, an indicator of stress and recovery.

Peak and Average Heart Rate:

Recorded during workouts

Sleep Efficiency

Measured daily using built-in sleep monitor



Total Hours Slept


Deep, light, REM, and awake times

Sleep Score: 

Derived from the combination of duration, restfulness, and sleep stages

Body Mass Index

Computed using your height and weight​



Weight (kg) / Height (m^2)


Synced from compatible smart scales


Disease or injury

Users manually input any diseases or injuries they are experiencing.



The status affects the interpretation of other metrics (e.g., reduced activity might be acceptable if someone is injured).

Blood pressure

User takes blood pressure readings daily which are automatically synced with our program*​


User's blood pressure is monitored, and the total PHI is calculated in correlation with the blood pressure readings. 


*fitness plus program

How it works

This personalized daily PHI (personal health index), when checked and acted upon regularly, can serve as a compass guiding users towards healthier habits and lifestyle choices.

1 / Data Collection

  • Fitbit or Apple Watch collects the data continuously throughout the day.

  • The app syncs this data and combines it with manually entered data like weight (for BMI) and disease or injury status.

  • For Fitness Plus, the users check blood pressure on blood pressure monitor, and the readings are automatically synced to our system. 

Software Programmer

2 / Data Analysis

  • Each component (Activity, Heart Rate, Sleep, BMI, Disease/Injury, Blood Pressure*) receives a score on a predetermined scale, e.g., 0-100.

  • AI algorithms normalize and weigh the scores for a comprehensive Personal Health Index (PHI).


*for fitness plus program

3 / Feedback

  • Users receive their daily PHI score on their device and in the email or app.

  • Personalized insights and recommendations are provided to improve health metrics. For example, if someone’s sleep score is low, they might receive tips on improving sleep hygiene.

  • Weekly and monthly reports can give insights into longer-term trends and areas for improvement.

Image by Lukas Blazek
Online Zumba Lesson

4 / Incentives

  • Gamification: Users can set goals, earn badges, or even compete with friends.

  • Health challenges can be introduced monthly, encouraging users to improve specific areas of their PHI.

5 / Privacy & Security

  • All data is stored securely with end-to-end encryption.

  • Users have full control over their data and who they share it with.

Coding Station

6 / Regular Updates

  • The PHI algorithm can be updated based on the latest scientific research, ensuring it remains a relevant and accurate reflection of health.

Your PHI Dashboard


Don't Wait! 
Subscribe Now!

Subscribe to Fitness Tracking Plan with PHI index today and stay on top of your health and wellness! 

Reach out to us

10175 Fortune Pkwy Suite #302, Jacksonville, FL 32256


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